
I'm Emma, I'm 29, based in South Cumbria and I tied the knot last October which was the trigger for this little stationery adventure. I've been a graphic designer in the media/hospitality industries since graduating from Leeds Beckett University back in 2015 and I currently design for a hospitality company in the Lake District.

Being a lover of all things design, one of the most exciting things for me when planning my own wedding was designing the stationery. I had so much fun with it, that I figured that I couldn't just stop there and that I had to continue this. So here I am following my love for designing wedding stationery.

Aside from graphic design, I'm a total nerd and love anything video game related alongside binge-watching anime, TV series and films.

I adore bright colours and anything that sparkles, they're usually one of my first sources of inspiration and are a running theme throughout my work.